My sons have decided they are over Paw Patrol and want to focus on new toys and characters. So, our plan was you need to get rid of stuff to get new stuff. This is their listing. Up for sale is a huge collection of Paw Patrol vehicles, tower and figs. All in all there are 36 vehicles and 60 figs. Obviously, these have been played with but are in very good condition. All sounds works and everything is functional. Here is what you will get. The original Paw Patrol Tower with vehicles. The original Paw Patroller with orig box. Marshall’s Transforming Movie City Truck. Marine HQ with orig box. Chase’s Larger Than Life Movie Police Car. Chase’s Team Police Cruiser Truck. Rubble’s Deluxe Bulldozer. Rocky’s Total Team Resue Truck. 6 Marshall Fire Trucks.